Thursday 6 February 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

leo dicap

When fans of Martin Scorsese watch his work, they can always expect a touch of vigour, anarchy and drugs, so if you were hoping for exactly that then you will not be disappointed. The Wolf of Wall Street is an adrenaline thrill ride fuelled by a truckload of cocaine, which gives it an exceptionally high drive. However, operating at that level for 3-hours of film time creates a titanic risk of crashing and burning.

Leonardo Di Caprio plays the remarkable Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who starts his own business, which sores to success. Jordan has very little knowledge of the trade having been taught that drugs, masturbation and reading from a script are the ways forward. However his success is determined by his incredible showmanship, people skills and ability to get a large group of desperate, ageing individuals motivated. He becomes somewhat illogical, inevitably turning down the opportunity to cut his losses and call it a day. He almost becomes somewhat monstrous in his actions, discarding his wife for another woman and even then we want him to triumph. His character is captivating in that we want his success in the same way we strive for our own.


Scorsese has placed Jonah Hill in the role of Donnie Azoff, which gives this movie a comic edge. His inclusion brings a lighter side to Belfort’s wrongdoings such as the dwarf throwing and money laundering. He is also the main supplier of the drugs to which the movie runs on. The “ludes” as they are known were the inspiration behind his idea to bring shoe designer Steve Madden into the picture and are also part of the reason behind Belfort’s downfall.

 Although this is based on a true story, I had to question the inclusion of a scene in terms of the plot when Belfort attempts to steal his own daughter and goes on to crash his car in the process. I can only assume it was to broaden the background behind a man that had been brought back down to earth at some speed because it didn’t seem to relate. Otherwise it is a victory for the rekindled team of Scorsese and Di Caprio, who have captured the demented story of Jordan Belfort in such a way to make it into a clever and funny film.



Alex x

‘My Film & Tv’ Contributor



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