I've been playing Tapped Out for a year now and
I feel like I need to share with you the love hate relationship that I have
with this app. I downloaded it in the early days of owning a phone which could
hold more than a ringtone so was naive in thinking that I had nothing to lose
by accepting a free game. I instantly found that I literally could not stop
tapping out but I wasn't quite sure why.
Essentially Tapped Out plays on the human beings
desire for money, which you gain more of by playing more frequently. The aim of
the game is to create your version of The Simpsons town and add characters to
your collection in the process. This is all well and good when you're paying
$1200 for the Krusty Burger or the Kwik-E-Mart but I have now reached the stage
when buildings cost over $100,000, meaning I have to save up for a number of
days before I can add to my town. As apps deviously do, it does offer ways
round the longevity through buying (with real money) donuts, which allows you
to speed up the process but I have not sunk to quite that level...yet.
In terms of gameplay, it is what is says on the
tin. You tap and you wait... You tap and you wait. Tapped Out is extremely
simplistic and is almost difficul
t to call a game because there is very little to do.
Characters can undergo several different tasks, which fit their respective
animated personalities. Mr Burns can hide nuclear waste, Snake can con money
from old people but no matter what they do, the player is never involved with
these activities.
I have struggled to find a positive aspect of
this app and another of its major flaws is the maintenance it requires. It
takes a long time to load into the game from the home screen and often contains
minor glitches after updates, which annoyingly occur every few days. Another
frustrating problem I've found is the
timing that the characters perform tasks to earn money. Some characters have
tasks that last for 6 hours whereas some do not and I believe this is the
agonising reason behind my addiction. The game is so cleverly made that it will
drag you back to it whether you like it or not, in order to collect more fake
money and drain more of your life away.
I've now spent too long on this game, which
serves little purpose other than the right to boast to other Tapped Out players
of your superior town. I think I'll soon find myself attending Tapped Out
Anonymous as I'm hooked and I can't bring myself to delete it. Good luck